"Boku no Hero Academia", which tells the story of Midoriya Ikuhisa's path to becoming a great hero, has officially entered the final stage of the report a few days ago. At this point, we don't know how much story we have left, and while we don't have to assume that it will end soon, the truth is that its author already knows exactly how the story will end.
Kouhei Horikoshi determined the end of Boku no hero from its beginnings
So we have been able to know him thanks to the following publication by Manga Mogura , which collected some comments from Kouhei Horikoshi about the conclusion of "My Hero Academia":
In an interview at the end of the next issue of "My Hero Academia", Kohei Horigotsu said that the end of the story was decided even before it began, although it takes longer than him to reach a conclusion. It is expected to be longer, this does not mean that your plan has changed. "
The thing is, when you take into account the way the story is told, the ending of "My Hero Academia" has been determined from the beginning of the franchise, which makes sense. In the final analysis, in the first episode, everything we saw was narrated by a Midoriya who went to the end, and we will see him as the reference of a hero in him.
Logically speaking, what will happen until we reach the real calendar of "My Hero Academia", and the final consequences of all this, we can only know if we really come to a conclusion. At the same time, we still have a lot of franchise content, especially animation. In the shared article, you will find the latest news about his next movie.